We have compiled an extensive FAQs that should answer all your queries. If you still need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why choose The Northern School of Kinesiology?

The Northern School of Kinesiology was born out of love and passion for the magic of what is PKP Kinesiology. Claire began her journey back 2010 growing from student to advanced specialised practitioner and has been a Senior teacher for 9 years. She believes in continuous growth and self-development and loves nothing more than inspiring others to grow, shine and be their best.

What are Claire’s qualifications?
  • Claire is a qualified Kinesiopractor® after completing the full 4-year PKP syllabus (one of ¬150 worldwide practiioners – who have this qualification )
  • ICPKP Accredited Senior Faculty
  • Registered Clinic Mentor with the AIK (Aust. Institute of Kinesiology)
  • Certified Trainer & Assessor which is a requirement to teach a registered Diploma or Advanced Diploma qualification
  • TBM (Total Body Modification) Modules 1-3
  • Quantum Neurology
  • Advanced Glands & Hormones
Will I be a qualified Kinesiology Practitioner upon completion of this course?

After successfully completing the 12 month course you will receive the International Certificate of Professional Kinesiology Practice and you will be qualified as a certified PKP kinesiology practitioner as part of the international college.

There are two association that specifically dedicated to professional Kinesiology in Australia:

You can become a member of either, both have different levels of membership and requirements.

Can I do further studies and advanced levels with you?

As this is an exciting community based school I will be offering a variety of short half day and one day workshops to build on your foundational studies. These will be promoted separately throughout the year.

We will also have guest speakers and additional workshops that are designed to complement your training and extend your knowledge in specific areas of the course

How is this course delivered and when are the classes?

All units are taught face to face with the capability to move studies partially online if needed. There are some additional units that are required to be completed at home and these can be done at your own pace. All class notes, assessment journals and extra resources are provided online via the ICPKP app which has been specifically designed for easy access and learning.

How am I assessed throughout this course?

Each unit contains a set of class notes and a SAJ (Student Assessment Journal) which needs to be completed. There is a short open book online multiple-choice test after every unit and a practical assessment at the end of the course which you will facilitate on a fellow student.

What if I am unable to attend a face-to-face class?

We highly encourage students to attend all classes as the syllabus is a follow-on modality.

This means that you will continue working with the previous learned techniques as part of the next module.

We also understand that life events happen so you can either attend the alternative midweek or weekend class to catch up, or a private tutorial would need to be arranged in order for you to catch up. Classes are not scheduled on public holidays, long weekends and school holidays to ensure that you are available to attend all units.

What resources do I need?

You will need to bring a pen, paper, highlighters and if you like to learn via digital means an iPad, as the course curriculum can be delivered via the ICPKP app.

If you prefer not to learn via a device, I can provide you with printed and bound course material for each class. Upon completing your second unit we recommend purchasing a massage table so that you can practice on people in your own home.

Are all Kinesiology training’s the same?

No they are not.

Kinesiology has evolved and grown exponentially over the last 10 years with many new

Kinesiology workshops now being offered. PKP was established in the 1980’s and uses a unique finger mode database system of priority healing. This system together with muscle testing allows the client’s subconscious to communicate to the practitioner what is needed and required for healing.

Within the first 12 months of study you will learn approximately 50 finger mode techniques that encompass the energetic, emotional and structural bodies and also includes basic nutrition, food sensitivities, surrogation, reactivity and much more.

How much time do I need to study outside of attending classes?

At least 10-15 hours of practice is required per month per unit, but I encourage you to do as much practice as you can, it is through repetition that we build confidence.

Yes. We will need to sit down during the enrolment process and discuss your qualifications and previous Kinesiology and/or complementary studies as well as your knowledge and experience.

I’m feeling nervous/anxious regarding study and returning to a learning environment, is this normal?

It’s completely normal. After 9 years of teaching hundreds of students of a variety of ages I have come to understand that everyone responds differently in learning environments. It is perfectly natural for past experiences and behaviours to surface when you are thinking of studying again. When facilitating the delivery of your training I love nothing more than to educate you via stories of experience and combine that with a variety of learning styles. You are not required to remember anything off the top of your head, and you will always be able to refer to your notes, books, wall charts and ask plenty of questions.

Do you offer further training and education after completing the first-year certificate?

We sure do! The 12-month International Certificate of PKP is a fantastic foundation to begin working as a Kinesiology practitioner but, here at NSK we can develop you further to be skilled, confident, caring and highly accredited practitioners. Once you’re confident in your foundations, Claire will be delighted and very excited to teach you advanced techniques and skills.

What to expect and be aware of:

This course takes a holistic approach when it comes to issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves, so you’ll be stretched personally throughout your journey as you work through your own issues to remove personal blocks, stresses, and limitations. Doing so, will assist you to be the best practitioner you can be as you learn via compassion and understanding for yourself and others.

When you learn to better yourself, you will learn to better understand others. This journey is incredibly freeing and dare I say life changing.


Claire Vannuccini, as a Kinesiology Practitioner & Teacher, provides information, advice, and instruction to support positive life changes. It’s important to note that she does not make guarantees regarding the accuracy or quality of information provided by clients or students.

Claire is not a medical professional and does not conduct medical or psychotherapeutic work. Her role is to offer a holistic perspective for self-healing and self-empowerment, with clients or students being responsible for deciding whether to implement suggestions.

Furthermore, Claire, along with her teaching staff, takes responsibility for delivering the required units for the International Diploma of Kinesiology and the Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic. However, students are accountable for attending classes, submitting assessments, and fulfilling financial obligations to obtain the offered qualifications.

This structure outlines the professional and educational framework provided by Claire Vannuccini.

Any questions?

We’d love to help.