Claire’s Journey
How does one come to the modality that transforms so many lives?!
I began in the health industry moving from nutrition to naturopathy but felt for me there were elements missing in both. I met someone who was studying Kinesiology at the time, it sounded amazing, so I went to an information session about PKP™ Kinesiology. This was 2010 and I’ve never looked back.
I found PKP™ to be all encompassing compared to other forms of kinesiology, as it filled gaps that I felt were missing. My passion for Kinesiology launched me from student to practitioner to teacher then senior teacher, teaching and mentoring hundreds of students for the past 9 years. Launching The Northern School of Kinesiology (NSK) is the fulfilment of the next part of the dream.
When you love what you do so much you want to share it with the world. I used to have a running joke that I was here to heal the world one person at a time. A ridiculous statement none the less as that would be quite exhausting, but I’m here to create a heartfelt impact and change. So how does one fulfill this calling…..By training as many as they can. So NSK graduates can educate, inspire and empower others to heal and be a part of the change this world needs. A ripple effect.
PKP™ Kinesiology is a tool that helps facilitate change in one’s life, and there’s nothing more heartfelt than seeing your clients and in my case, previous students, push through their doubts and limitations to achieve and exceed their lifelong goals. The Northern School of Kinesiology has been created to cater to those looking to be a part of a dynamic, fun and intimate community where they can not only learn PKP™ Kinesiology, but also grow and be supported through the process from student to immensely successful practitioner.

Why Sunbury? The northwestern suburbs and country region is a place I hold dearly in my heart, it is my home. Growing up here in a place that was once called regional Victoria, it has grown immensely and its curiosity and openness to alternative natural healing and allied health has grown with it. My continued dream is to eventually open additional schools, to amplify and share the magic that this modality has created in my life. Kinesiology has helped me find my true north, by assisting me to work through my own personal journeys – be it injuries, heart break, self-doubt, hormonal or energy issues, the works. I credit it to finding the love of my life and sharing beautiful connections with my family and community.
I have the profound honour of inspiring and uplifting others and supporting them through their personal journeys. There’s nothing more heartfelt and real than watching others grow. I know what it’s like to have a dream of where you would like to go while studying and working full-time and raising a family, and I’m here to help you do the same. Find your true north. Live your dream.
Take the first step toward your future today! Book a call to enrol and transform your passion into a profession with the Northern School of Kinesiology
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